Notice of Non‑Discrimination and Notification of Rights Under Title VI
March 01, 2017
Resident Shares Talent with Senator Hirono
Hale Makua residents and Adult Day Health clients recently had the opportunity to spend some time with Senator Mazie Hirono. Among them was the talented Olive Silva who presented the Sena...
July 07, 2016
Parade Tradition Marches On
The Maui Fair Parade is a long-time tradition on Maui. Children look forward to all the fun sights and sounds the parade presents each year. Years ago, Hale Makua Health Services regularly particip...
June 08, 2016
Retired Teacher Continues Teaching
Gary Medeiros is a retired art teacher from Maui High, and currently an Adult Day Health client. He spent 32 years teaching students watercolor, pencil, charcoal, Indian ink and more, and said his ...
March 15, 2016
We're All In This Together
The theme for the 38th annual Visitor Industry Charity Walk is "We're all in this together." For more than 10 years, Hale Makua has participated in the Visitor Industry Charity Walk. ...
November 25, 2015
Residents Make 'Lei of the Day'
If you bump into Sherrie Austin around town, there's a good chance she'll be carrying two things: a camera and a colorful fabric lei. "I have a lei for every day of the month,"...
May 24, 2013
Everybody Pitches In
National Nursing Home Week gave Hale Makua a chance to show off their teamwork skills with this year’s theme: “Everybody Pitches In.” Staff, volunteers, and residents all work to...
October 12, 2012
Resident Shares Her Crocheting Expertise
Hale Makua Wailuku Resident Marieta “Nana” Yalon learned to crochet at school in the Philippines at the age of 15, and has been crocheting ever since. At Hale Makua, she makes tote...
October 11, 2012
Residents Participate in Care Partner Training
Care partner Ruby Yadao met with the members of the Hale Makua Kahului Resident Council to ask them if there were things that could be taught or shared with new hires to improve the quality of care...